Thursday 17 January 2013

Liebster award!

Rights so I've caved, I'm doing it! I have been nominated for a few awards which I am very flattered to receive. Usually I'm rubbish at facts or answering questions in relation to myself but seen as though so many have tagged me, I thought I'd suck it up and do it! The last tag I received was by Clara at Ice Cream and Clara who nominated me.. Thank You :) However I thought it only fair to also mention the others too 
So thank you very much girls! I have also copied all sets of questions I was asked so this may be a long one!!

Anyway the rules: The Liebster Award (or any others) is for Bloggers with less than 200 followers;
If tagged you then list 11 facts about yourself
answer the 11 questions set by your nominator
come up with 11 questions for the people you nominate
Make sure to let them know you nominated them!

My 11 Random Facts:
1. I love watching Friends and the O.C
2. I live on an island 
3. My favourite food is Chinese.. or pasta (tbh I love food in general)
4. I'm VERY indecisive (Libra trait apparently)
5. I have no spleen :/ 
6. I'm an only child
7. I love taking photos
8. My favorite season is summer <3 
9. I'm a bit of a Twilight geek!
10. I still live at home 
11. I have a thing for candles

Questions from Clara at Ice Cream and Clara 
1. Describe yourself in one word? Friendly. 
2. Long hair or short hair? Short.
3. Your three favourite beauty products at the moment? Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation, Kate Moss Lipstick (can't choose a colour) Soap and Glory blusher. 
4. Your favourite Disney movie? Oh that's a toughie, um Lady and the Tramp.
5. When did you first make a blog? Ages ago although I didn't get into it properly until last year.
6. Why? Because I wanted to document my life (I'm very forgetful) and share it :)
7. What colours are you wearing today? Black, neutral pink, deep red (scarf and hat) and green (coat)
8. What did you have for breakfast? I don't do breakfast.
9. What's your favourite name? Summer for a girl and Riley for a boy
10. Your favourite writer? Cathy Glass 
11. Finally - ice cream or cookies? Cookies!

Questions from Zoe at Stila Babe
  • Who Is Your Blogging BFF? Billie-Ray she is my best friend of about 17/18 years and she moved away to Brighton a few years ago :( I like reading her blog to keep up to date :) 
  • If you could only ever follow 3 blogs for the rest of you life, what would they be?
  • What is your favourite Nail-Polish?
    Models Own Ibiza Mix
  • Why do you Blog? Because I enjoy it
  • One book you could read 100 times? Twilight 
  • What would you like to be when you leave school/uni? A Teacher 
  • If you were given 500 pounds to spend in one shop, where would you spend it? Topshop I'm and addict
  • Your most hated scent? I don't like vanilla much
  • One make-up item you can't live without? eyeliner
  • Youtube or Blogger and why? Blogger because I like reading
  • Name your most watched male Youtuber and why you like him? Probably Charlie is so cool like because he's so funny! 

    1. Who are your role models in the celebrity world? Rachel Bilson (style), Marilyn Monroe (I love her quotes)
    2. Can you play an instrument, if so, which? Nope
    3. What did you want to be when you grew up? A Vet
    4. How did you pick your blog name? Its a quote I love which I also have tattooed on the back of my neck. Good words to live by I think :) 
    5. Do you have a nickname? How did you get it? Not really only Tan or midget because I'm really tiny!
    6. What's your favourite item in your wardrobe at the moment? My big knit jumpers!!
    7. What's the earliest memory that you have? My memory is awfall!!
    8. Tell me the weirdest dream you can remember. I dreamt of a giant mouse who wanted to steal my cheese :/
    9. What are your aspirations in life? To have a family and be a Teacher and generally be happy!
    10. What is your signature dish?/What's the best thing you can cook? Pasta bake
    11. Do you have any pets? What are their names? (If you don't have a pet, what pet would you love to have?) I used to have a cat called Gizmo he died a couple of years ago now but I had grew up with him and miss him lots.

    1)  If you had to choose hair or makeup products for the rest of your life which would you pick? Oh thats a hard one! Ummm Make up!
    2) What is your favourite magazine? Cosmopolitan 
    3) Which beauty brand do you buy from most? Rimmel
    4) Who inspires you (can be celebrity/family/friend) Well lets do person because I did celeb (see above) I'm going to say my boyfriend Max, he has such a good attitude and is just a brilliant person to be around. 
    5) Your biggest fashion faux pas? I'm sure there's been lots!
    6) If you had to choose eye makeup or skin makeup for the rest of your life which would pick? eye!
    7) Your favourite season: Summer 
    8) Your favourite make up look- Smokey eye
    9) Best home-made remedy you've tried: I haven't really 
    10) Favourite meal (can be breakfast,lunch, dinner) Dinner 
    11) What is your favourite thing about blogging? Sharing my experiences with everyone else and the fact everyone is so lovely :) 

    Right my 11 questions to you
    1. Why did you begin to blog?
    2. Who is your favourite blogger?
    3.What is your favourite country?
    4. What shop do you shop in most? 
    5. What do you do when your not blogging?
    6. Who's your idol? 
    7. Do you have a current favourite product?
    8. What is your Favourite movie? 
    9. Do you have a quote you like to live by?
    10. What's a strange habit you have?
    11. What do you want from life? 

    OK, everyone that I want to nominate seems to have already been nominated, so I'm going to do something a little differently. If your reading this post and you haven't yet done it but would like to then feel free :) 
    I Nominate everyone who stops by to say hi! :)  


  1. Haha awesome! What a lot of interviews - congratulations on being nominated so many times! :D x

    1. Yeah thought I'd do it all at once! Thank you for nominating me :) xx

  2. Congrats on being nominated! Loving your blog! I am 12 years old and have a blog too I would love it if you came and checked it out and I have followed you as well! :) xxxxx
    :) xx

    1. Thank you :) I've followed back, looks like you've got some cool posts, look forward to more! xx

  3. I love friends!


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