Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Easter round up.

So once again here I am apologising for being a little absent! I'm not sure why as I don't particularly have a schedule for my blog, it's just something I do as a bobbie. Yet I feel like I owe you guys when you follow me to keep posting regularly! So I'm very sorry!

Firstly it was the Easter holidays. Where I work in a primary school this meant two weeks off .. wooohoo!! It was great, I just relaxed most of the time! My friends came down from the mainland and we all met up which was lovely as we haven't been together for so long. It seems they all come to the island at different times but luckily they were all down for Easter. I spent some time with family also, looking after my little cousins, which was great! Plus a picnic, digging, nights out and lots of time shopping!!

Besides all the Easter holiday fun I've got my dissertation to do and the deadline is looming so I'm now starting to panic a little but I'll be so glad when it's all over as I'm graduating this year!!

Here are some snaps I took of what I've been getting up to!

 <-- trying out my extentions!

Hope you all enjoyed the easter break!! 


  1. Hi there! I was just going through some of the 'welcome posts' on bloggerforums.co.uk and realised I've not been over to visit your blog yet! Thanks for signing up!

    I love the pictures and the extensions are fab. I'm jealous that you got to play on a digger! Ha. Have a lovely weekend.

    Corinne x

  2. Beautiful shots and you look AMAZING! Congrats on pushing through school to graduate my dear! <3

  3. This is such a lovely post - you looked so gorgeous!
    Just followed you on bloglovin, would love if you could look at my blog back!

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