Saturday, 12 January 2013

Life is beautiful

I am writing this post a little early but it is only due to the fact that seen as though its the weekend we have chosen to celebrate tonight. My boyfriend and I will have been together 2 years on Monday and although that may not seem like a lot to some of you, its a pretty big deal for us!!
If you didn't already know my boyfriends name is Max! He is absolutely wonderful and so much more than I could ever have asked for. It is so nice that even after 2 years when you still want to spend all your time together, or text each other cute little messages like you did when you first met. For me this has never happened before, I have never been with a person and actually properly thought deep down in my heart that 'this is the one'. With him I do. He is my best friend and we have shared so much together over these last 2 years and I will look forward to what lies ahead and what adventures we may embark on together in the years to come.

I do apologise for this really soppy post I just wanted to document it so that maybe I will look back and hopefully still feel exactly the same as I do now! Anyway Here are a few of my favourite photo's of us...

Right I best go and get ready now as we are off to an Italian restaurant called Valentino's to celebrate!
True love never dies, it only get's stronger with time. 
I love us :)  

Ciao :)


  1. Aw that's lovely! Happy Anniversary :)

  2. My partner is called Max too!
    you too look great together, happy anniversary! x

  3. aww what a lovely post happy anniversary!! :-) xx

  4. Happy anniversary! Lovely personal post :) xxx

    1. Thank you! Thought I would share all my soppiness with all you guys! :) xx

  5. Heya! Just wanted to let you know that I liked your blog so much I nominated you for the Liebster Award!
    Check it out!

  6. This post is so damn cute!! Lovely pictures xx

    1. Thank you! :) It was pretty hard to narrow my favourites down!! xx

  7. Congratulations on the award :) I love the OC too!!


  8. I love your hair! Loooove it. That is all. :]


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